Making a chemical peel claim

A chemical peel strips away any damaged skin and boosts collagen in the skin to create a softer and smoother looking surface. The procedure is virtually painless, and it is no surprise people resort to chemical peels as a way to treat signs of skin aging. However, as with most beauty treatments, things can go wrong.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel involves a ‘chemical agent’ being applied to the skin on the patient’s face. Acetone or alcohol is wiped over the surface of the skin before the peeling solution is applied. The skin then ‘blisters’ and peels off, removing all dry skin. The purpose of this cosmetic procedure is to improve the appearance of the facial skin by removing freckled or sun damaged skin and blemishes. However, if it is not administered correctly it can cause permanent skin damage.  A chemical peel might not be appropriate for everyone therefore you must seek medical guidance from you GP before you under go any cosmetic procedures.

What can go wrong?

There are 3 types of chemical peel: superficial, medium and deep.

Superficial and medium peels are usually safe and painless provided they are administered properly. They do not generally require anesthetic, though patients are likely to experience a burning sensation when the chemical agent is applied.

Some chemical peels are much deeper and therefore much riskier.  The effects of the deep peel are more permanent but they are also much more painful and require a local anesthetic.

The injuries a patient may suffer include:

  • Permanent skin damage;
  • Facial scarring;
  • Permanent skin discoloration;
  • Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation of the skin;
  • Reddening of the Skin;
  • Burning; and
  • Blisters.

Do I have a skin peel claim?

In order to bring a skin peel claim for compensation it is important to show that someone was at fault and that injury has been suffered as a direct result.

The error may have been in relation to the way in which the treatment was administered or the suitability of the chemicals used. However a skin peel claim may also be made where the beauty therapist or clinician fails to inform you of the side effects of the procedure to enable you to make a rational and informed decision about going ahead with it. Failure to provide such vital information could lead to allergic reactions or permanent skin damage.

What should I do if my chemical peel goes wrong?

In order to make a chemical peel claim we need to have all available information and evidence to support the case. This includes the following:

  • proof that the beautician or clinician is insured to perform the procedure;
  • clear photographs of the appearance of the treatment;
  • your medical records;
  • details of the practitioner, beautician, clinician, spa or salon responsible for your treatment;
  • the receipt for the beauty treatment you received; and
  • any correspondence you have had with the beautician, clinician, spa or salon, including any complaint or report made by you.

Can I make a chemical peel claim if I signed a disclaimer?

You may be able to make a claim even if you have signed a legal disclaimer. Signing a disclaimer does not mean the beautician, clinician, spa or salon is immune from having a claim made against them. They have a legal duty to ensure you are not harmed and that duty applies even if a disclaimer was signed.

What will prevent me claiming compensation

There are strict time limits on bringing a compensation claim for an injury. You must either settle your claim or issue court proceedings prior to the third anniversary of the incident that caused your injuries. It is therefore important that you speak to a specialist lawyer as soon as you suspect there is a potential problem.

How much compensation will I get for my chemical peel claim?

This is a very common question. Each case will be different and will depend upon the nature of the injuries suffered and any financial losses incurred. Although we cannot provide exact figures for your particular claim, please see below some guidelines that have been determined by Judges for injuries that may arise in chemical peel compensation claims.

Injuries suffered Compensation Description of injury
Minor injuries A few hundred pounds-£600 Complete recovery within 7 days
Minor injuries £600-£1,200 Complete recovery within 28 days
Minor injuries £1,200-£2,150 Complete recovery within 3 months
Dermatitis and other skin conditions £1,500-£3,460 An individual may experience Itching, irritation and/or rashes but once treatment is administered it resolves within a few months
Less Severe psychological injury £1,350-£5,130 The amount of compensation provided will be determined by the extent to which sleep, and daily activities were affected, as well as the length of the period of disability.
Moderate psychological injury £5,130-£16,720 An individual may have experience issues with regards to future vulnerability, their relationships, and their ability to cope with work and life.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder £3,460-£20,290 An individual will make a full recovery within one to two years and only minor symptoms will persist over any longer period
Minor scarring £1,500-£3,090 Trivial scarring
More significant scarring £3,460-£12,050


One scar which can be camoflagued or a number of small scars – not likely to affect appearance.
Very severe scarring with some psychological reaction £26,120-£85,340 Where the worst effects have been or will be reduced by plastic surgery (typically in teens to early 30s) and the psychological reaction is severe.

If the type of injury you have suffered is not listed above, then please give us a call and we will be able to advise you further.

How we can help

Almost all the beauty treatment claims we deal with are funded on a No Win, No Fee basis. This means that if you are unsuccessful in your claim, you will not be required to pay any legal fees.

If you or someone you know has been let down by beauty treatment that has gone wrong or you wish to make a chemical peel claim, contact Carly Sylvester on 0333 888 0437 or via email at [email protected] for a free case assessment.

Chemical peel claims