Liposuction compensation
Contact our specialist legal team about liposuction compensation claims by phone or email. Free case assessments and no win, no fee funding available.
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted body fat.
It involves sucking out small areas of fat that people find hard to lose through conventional health regimes, such as exercise and diet. It’s directed at particular areas of the body where deposits of fat tend to collect. Common area include the buttocks, hips, thighs and stomach.
The aim of liposuction is to alter the patient’s body shape. The results are usually long-lasting, providing they maintain a healthy weight.
the best results are achived where people are within a normal BMI range and it is performed on areas of the body where the skin is tight.
What can go wrong with liposuction?
Like most cosmetic procedures, liposuction is not risk free. Liposuction can occasionally produce a range of undesired outcomes such as:
- lumpy and uneven skin;
- bleeding under the skin;
- numbness;
- organ damage;
- changes in skin colour;
- alergic reactions;
- a build-up of fluid in the lungs;
- post-surgical infection; and
- blood clots.
Can I make a liposuction claim?
If you suffer any of the outcomes listed above then you may wish to consider making a liposuction claim.
Compensation can be claimed where the procedure has not been carried out with sufficient care or expertise and you suffer physical or psychological harm as a direct result.
We may also be able to assist you with making a liposuction claim where the clinician who carried out the procedure failed to explain to you the possible risks and complications that are commonly involved, and how they would be treated if they occurred.
We are experienced in dealing with liposuction claims and you can read here about a case we successfully resolved, recovering over £150,000 in compensation for our client.
Are there time limits for making a liposuction claim?
There are strict time limits for bringing a liposuction claim. You must issue court proceedings prior to the third anniversary of the procedure or the first date that you became aware of the problem arising from the procedure. It is therefore important that you speak to a specialist lawyer as soon as you suspect something is wrong.
How we can help with your liposuction claim
If you want to know where you stand on claiming compensation then you can contact our free legal helpline. We will be happy to talk matters over with you and give initial guidance on your options.
The amount of any compensation awarded will depend upon the severity of the problems encountered. Each case is individually assessed and a claim is made for the ‘pain and suffering’, the psychological distress and any out of pocket financial losses you incur.
We are able to work on a no win, no fee basis and will discuss funding with you if it is a case we can assist with. Call us on 0333 888 0437 or email [email protected]