More men than ever are electing to undergo cosmetic surgery, though the industry still remains predominantly a female preserve.

Of the 51,140 cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK last year, 4,164 were performed on men. But although only 9% of the total number of procedures were carried out on men, the overall number of male patients is growing.

The current fashion is for procedures to be less invasive than they once were, with an emphasis on tweaking rather than tucking.

Cosmetic surgeons report than men’s aspirations do differ from their female counterparts. Men for instance are more keen on achieving a quick fix, preferring non-surgical procedures.

Male patients are also less preoccupied with their facial appearance, concentrating on the shape of their bodies to a greater extent than women. This means that fat reduction and body contouring techniques are popular, though there is nevertheless a demand for liposuction and breast reduction among men.

But the ‘no pain- no gain’ maxim doesn’t appear to apply equally between the sexes when it comes to the needle or the knife. It's reported that men are more likely to want to know how much a cosmetic treatment is likely to hurt before they sign up to it!

Although the vast majority of calls to our negligent cosmetic surgery helpline are women, many men are nevertheless affected by the issue and our team of lawyers are able to deal with compensation claims on behalf of men who have been let down by a negligent cosmetic surgeon.

For free confidential guidance call us on 0333 888 0437 or send us an email with your details.

Number of men having cosmetic surgery is rising